Great article! What books do you recommend to start reading on Davis?

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Particularly for controversial figures, I like to read the source directly.

If you want a book, Jefferson Davis wrote a huge book on the Confederacy, which you can read both volumes of for free, here:

Volume 1: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/19831/19831-h/19831-h.htm

Volume 2: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/42315/pg42315.html

You can read a non-comprehensive collection of speeches given by Jefferson Davis for free here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/5205/5205-h/5205-h.htm

And you can download a book titled "Jefferson Davis: The Essential Writings" here: https://zlib.pub/download/jefferson-davis-the-essential-writings-6ndsekm0gan0?hash=c1e3b6ef82f74aa4cf61fe14ca77f807

I'm not sure if it's legal to download that book for free like it is at that website, so you can buy it if you want, but the book is just a collection of Davis' writings, so it probably should be free. There are tons of speeches and writings of Jefferson Davis all over the internet if you look for them.

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Thank you, Cody.

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